Locked out on multiple machines with "Unable to fetch data"

I’m fairly new to Postman, been using it for a couple weeks. I have now been somehow completely locked out of the desktop app.

When I go to login, I get bounced to the web login portal, I login successfully, about 90% of the time I do NOT get bounced back to the app (this is insane to me), so I used the “Use Authorization token to sign in” option and I copy and paste the data link into the desktop app.

It appears that its working, then I sit on a spinner for about 10 or 15 seconds and get hit with a “Unable to fetch data” error screen that has a sign out button.

So I’ve literally been signed in successfully, but nothing is usable. I’ve tried many things, uninstalling reinstalling, removing the Roaming data folder for postman, I’ve even created a new account, I’ve tried my work machine and my home machine, I’ve cleared all the “active sessions” from my account via the web. Its crazy, it completely doesn’t work.

It’s like my account has been secretly locked somehow but they don’t tell you? However, I’m able to login to the web front end.

I tried to export my API’s so I could use them without logging in but you can’t import them without being logged in lol.

I’ve sent a message to their help email, so we will see if I get a timely response on that. Don’t know what else to try at this point.

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