Cannot skip the login ~ Can I recover the account?

Heeeeeelp amigos!! D:
I work with the Desktop app, so, I was signed in with an old email account (from a company I work with no more, and I lost the account), so I neither can recover the password (which I forgot), nor open the application by trying to skip the log in process…
I can click the option [“Skip and take me to Postman Desktop App”]. But I only get to the application to receive the message “Session Expired - Your session has expired. Please sign in again.”

So, I cannot sign in, and if I sign out I lose all data from the workspace.
I don’t wanna lose all the data on my workspace… is there a way I can recover it? :eyes: :nerd_face:

I accept comments, questions, love declarations, etc. c:

There should be backup files in your postman folder, %user_home%\AppData\Roaming\Postman, if you are on windows.

If push comes to shove you should be able to recover your collections from there, no idea where the request history lives unfortunately.

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Hey @science-astronaut-59 :wave:

Welcome to the Postman Community! :postman:

Can reach out to the support team on, please? There will be able to provide a more targeted solution here.

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