Creating a team member invite

I created a team workspace and in it a collection I would like to share. I click ‘Share’ and enter an email address to invite someone to use this collection.

They receive an email stating that I have: “shared the Client API Testing collection with you. You have an Editor role”. So they click on the button “View Collection” and the browser presents a login page.

What happens next? They don’t have a password so cannot log in and there is a link to ‘Create a Free Account’ but that appears to be a dead end. How is the new member supposed to gain access to the collection?

A user invited to a team or workspace needs an account on Postman to join that team or workspace.

They need to login to access this collection you’ve shared with them so we can authenticate them and be certain that they have authorized access to the resource they’re trying to access.

The browser presents a login page. Assuming they do have an account would they enter the login id and password of that account?

If they don’t have an account, what do they do, select ‘Create a Free Account’? And how exactly do they navigate from the free account to the shared collection?

BTW, the account is not free. We have to pay for an additional user.

Hey @wmclaxton :wave:t2:

Creating a new account is free but in this instance your not just sharing something with someone, you’re inviting them to be an Editor of an element within your team.

There are a number of other methods to share a Collection which don’t involve inviting someone to the team. Sharing via the API with a Collection key, Exporting, creating a Public Workspace and other users forking the Collection into their Postman instance.

For anyone else just getting started, here is the explanation not included in the invite to your new team members.

After clicking the link in the email invite, you will be presented with a login page. If you have a Postman account, login with your own credentials. If you do not have a Postman account, select ‘use another account’, scroll to the bottom and click ‘Create Free Account’. You will be asked to create a username and a password, then click ‘Create Account to Join Team’. During registration, you will also be asked to enter your real name (or nickname) and role (eg- fullstack developer).

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