Workspaces - Shared Requests

I am new to Postman and I have created my first team workspace. I thought that I had shared only 1 collection with 6 requests to 1 other user, but my Shared Requests is showing 24 of 25.

When on “My Workspace”, I have 5 Collections but they all show shared with team icon.

Only 1 should be shared and that is what I see when I look at my team workspaces so I am a bit lost.

Any help would be appreciated.


Hi there @Xpedite - I wonder if you created the collections in the team workspace?

When you create a collection in a team workspace, or share a collection to a team workspace, that collection is then “shared” with your team. Your team members can then view the collection and also collaborate on it (if they have permission).

If you want to “unshare” your collection so that it doesn’t exist in a team workspace, you can REMOVE the collection from that workspace. Make sure you don’t DELETE it unless you want to remove the collection from all your workspaces.

If you can’t remember all the workspaces where you shared your collection, go back to the SHARE modal that you were at previously. The workspaces you’ve already shared to will be disabled with “Already shared” on the right side. You can then go to those workspaces and REMOVE the collection from that workspace.

It looks like “My Workspace” shows Already Shared, which I don’t want. I tried remove from workspace on a collection, and now I can’t find this collection no more.

I was able to find the collection by viewing all collections on the website. I wasn’t able to find this option on the desktop program.

I was able to add it back to “My Workspace”.

Why would “My workspace” say shared, and how do I fix that? Only PK Saftey Collection should be shared.

I also just faced this issue. Fixed by duplicating the shared collection (which should have been un-shared after removing from team workspace) and then deleting the original one which had shared icon. I think its a bug in Postman.

Hey @qasim.qt

Could you talk me through that flow please? I would like to understand where you feel a bug is occuring and investigate that a little more.

Are you using the latest version to preform these actions? The thread is quite old and the platform has progressed a lot since that point - especially in terms of sharing collections between Workspaces.

@danny-dainton Just checked my version. I’m on v7.29.1. Don’t know what’s the latest version. My update is downloaded but haven’t installed it yet. Will check if its fixed in latest version.

Same issue here. I have a few collections which are part of Personal workspace only, yet it shows as a shared collection.

Hi @dzmitry-kakaruk-webj

Can you check if the same collection in the Personal workspace is also found in the Team workspace? If yes, then you can disassociate collection from “Team workspace” by clicking on “Remove from workspace” - which should make it personal again.

Also, try creating a new collection in Personal Workspace to see if the collection is automatically shared with Team workspace? If yes, then please please submit a ticket or write to [email protected] with a screenshot and other additional details to help us check on this further.

Hi @Kurmavatar

I have no team worskpaces


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Hey @dzmitry-kakaruk-webj

It looks like you’ve already opened a Github Issue for this one, just so we don’t split the conversation in 2 places, could you reply to question over on that thread please.

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Hey @danny-dainton, thanks for the reply. no problem, I’ve already shared all these screenshots in the issue there.


Is this issue solved? I have the same problem. I created a collection in “My Workspace” and shared with the team, and now i want to “unshare” that, but when i try to remove that from the team’s workspace it says “the collection is only present in this workspace and can’t be removed”

The “Already shared” message should be replaced with something like “The collection is already present in this workspace.”

This is not normal.

  1. created a collection in my personal workspace
  2. i share it with a team
  3. to unshare it its impossible, when i try to remove it from team workspace remove button is disable telling that the collection does not exist in other workspaces, first i have to share it with an other workspace, but i have it in my personal workspace.
  4. When i delete the shared collection from shared workspace, postman also delete it from my personal workspace. Is that normal or is just the bug? Postma was unable to boot and reinstalled the last version. So i think it’s an other bug. Since it is deleted else where i first exported and imported the collection in my personal workspace :roll_eyes: And i have more 5 collection to unshare …
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Yeah @telecoms-engineer-88, i think it’s “normal”, but it seems like a bug, i think that it should alert when sharing it with the team or be possible to unshare. I created this issue about this: Can't remove the collection from team workspace (unshare the collection) · Issue #9706 · postmanlabs/postman-app-support · GitHub

I don’t see Via API option here. can anyone explain me why is that? please. I was following the Certificate course.