What is this forced update?

When I have set postman to not update, due to your bad choices of direction and bloat you keep adding, I did not expect you to without consent go and update anyway… what is this malware?! Lost all my scratch space stuff and any tiny little bit of respect left for this product… horrible practice.


Hey @anthonyfromtheuk :wave:

This change was announced back in May on our blog, this contains the reasons for the changes and the introduction of our new Lightweight API Client.

Your data is safe and very much accessible.

Your Scratch Pad data can be Exported from the signed out Lightweight API Client, using ⚙️ > Settings > Data > Export data menu option. If your collections or environments contained data within the variable Current value, these will not be part of that exported file.

However, to Import these back into Postman, you will need to be signed in to the platform.

From a signed in account, you can use the ⚙️ > Settings > Data > Migrate data menu option, which will bring all of your Scratch Pad data into a new Workspace.

If you face any issues with the exporting or migrating process, please reach out to us on migrate@postman.com. :pray:

can work around this and keep old version

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