View in Web Collection order

What is used to determine the order of the collections that are displayed when looking at the “View in Web” page.

I would like it to be displayed in alpha order of collections (folder) and then endpoints within the folders in alpha.

Or, is there some parameter I am missing ?

Thanks !

@claire @kunagpal If you can’t answer this question, could you please get some other staff member to address it ?

Thanks !

@dhoyt It displays same order which is there in your collection, inside Postman app. If you need to change order of your requests in your Postman documentation. Just reorder folders and requests in the collection inside Postman app.

@prashant_postman Thanks for the quick response.

The view of my API collection in the Builder … alpha order … prefect !!!

The view of the same API collection after pressing the View in web button … not in alpha order.

@prashant_postman Did you forget about this or are you guys looking into it ?

@dhoyt We will soon be releasing a new version of our docs in which this bug is resolved. I will update you once we make the release.

Thank you for the response ! Looking forward to the change/update.


I was hoping to see this in Version 6 but apparently it didn’t make it in. Also, the collections within a workspace are also not in alpha order.

I know it’s not a big deal, but it is annoying when trying to look for a specific collection amongst many.