Twitter API v2 401 error


I’m following along the tutorial of twitter about postman:

However, I’m not able to send request and have to create a folk to my workspace based on the recommendation of postman. So I tried it but it didn’t work. I got the 401 error mentioning about the header. What should I do?

Thank you for your help

Hi there @material-observer-25 -

The Twitter API requires that you include personal credentials with your API request so that they know who you are and that you are allowed to access that information.

They show how to do this under “Generating a User Access Token with Postman”, but it looks like there are broken links and missing screenshots in their tutorial :disappointed: Check out these step-by-step instructions for Twitter’s OAuth 1.0a Twitter API Authorization

Thank you, that solved my problem. May I ask why do we use Twitter’s OAuth 1.0 instead of 2.0? What’s the difference between those two?

I’m not really sure - but here’s is an article that breaks down the differences: Overview of the different authentication methods | Docs | Twitter Developer Platform

And if you feel like tweeting at TwitterDev, perhaps they will fix their tutorial :grin:

Thank you for your help, I will check it :smiley: