Team, or Workspace, Admin cannot edit Collections created by other users

Collections created by other users in Workspaces cannot can accessed, edited or permissions changed without requesting access to the Collection Owner, even as an Admin of that Workspace.

As an Admin for the Team (and/or Workspace) it is expected that the Admin has full CRUD rights over that Workspace and any Collections within that workspace.

The problem we now have is orphaned Collections after moving to a new domain. Some of the collections we use were under old email addresses that are no longer valid and therefore that user can no longer get in and change permissions. So these collections cannot be deleted/accessed/changed/moved.

Give Team and Workspace Admins full CRUD capabilities over all objects (but in particular Collections) within the Workspace they have Admin rights for.
RBAC should flow down from Team → Workspace → Collection.

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This problem is overly frustrating to deal with. We want to lock down a specific workspace to our own sprint team of 3 people within our corporate postman team. But it is overly annoying to have to give individual rights to each collection, api, environments, etc. We want to lock down people editing our work that are not part of our team. It is honestly disappointing that the above logic is not the current implementation.

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this is simply bonkers to deal with in large projects

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Is there any solution for this yet?

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+1 for visibility. We consider this an essential feature - team members come and go, but collections need to be forever.

Team Admins can’t even delete Workspaces unless they’re a Workspace Admin, so Forking will just lead to workspace pollution.

Hey @darylteo-appetiser :wave:

Welcome to the Postman Community! :postman:

We have a Super Admin role, at the Team level, that can perform all of those actions. This is only available on certain plans though.

You can read more about this in our blog:

More information about managing your team and the different roles/permissions available to team members, can be found here:

In terms of access to team elements when members leave a team:

When you leave a team, you no longer have access to the team’s workspaces, including personal workspaces, or any of the elements in them. You must reassign your personal workspaces to a remaining team member before leaving