Student Expert Program-Skill Check complete-NoErrorsInConsole-Getting 400 status

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I have completed first 2 parts of the program and shared my collection in web. I am stuck in finishing the program as the skill check request is not giving any error neither 200 status while i have completed till adding test script and set environment var. I have attached the screen shot of my request, response & console.

Can you help me.

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@PriyaGanapathy Welcome to the community :bouquet:

Can you check exactly which test is failing? And try to fix the same.

After checking your post I found that there’s a change in name field when I tried with my collection. The Error message should be self explanatory. Please read it carefully and try again. That’s all I can do…

Because the expectation of the program is to make the learners to do on their own :slight_smile: And definitely you can fix that :trophy: Just a hint, 400 bad request is usually returned when there’s something unexpected is passed as part of the body. :relaxed:


Thank you @bpricilla.
Noted and sorted that error. My 6th Test ‘Adding a script’ is failing. Can you help what’s wrong in my test script. Attached screenshot of the console too.

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Hi @PriyaGanapathy - a hint: you’re trying to set an environment variable but are missing something required for that to work :wink:

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Aw… must be missing something silly!! Thanks for your hint. Will look that.

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Thanks for the hint @suesmith. Found my mistake . Completed and Submitted my collection link. Thanks much for your help. Templates are thoughtfully made and really helpful. Kudos to the team behind it.

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Great! Thanks for the feedback. :rocket:

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hey can anyone help me to get clear the problem I stuck with the skill test

Looks like the request is unauthorised so it’s not returning a JSON response and the script is failing.

Can you share the image of the Auth tab or check that it contained the correct information.

even though my tests pass its not showing it to be complete… i have submitted the test twice and run it twice… set the environment var. accordingly too. please help

It looks like you have not completed the step for adding a script correctly. Please go back and check the instructions carefully to see what you are missing in the scripting step. Make sure you save your changes

There are similar questions to this already on this forum - a quick search might bring you some clues.

Which error is thrown here? Its not clear

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