Hello everyone.
I’m kinda new to Postman, still I’ve tested a few public APIs and I’ve managed to work with them.
The problem: I am currently trying to make a GET Request and I’m getting this error
“Error”: true,
“Message”: “Missing Header!!”
I’ve tested the authorization which is fine, and the method params are fine as well. I can’t understand what else should I add .
My headers are auto-generated: Cookie, Postman-Token, Host, User-Agent, Accept, Accept-Encoding and Connection!
Also my status code response is 200 OK! So it’s kinda working, I just get that short response i don’t know why .
I’m sorry but it’s a company and a private one and unfortanetly i can’t share it :S but i have its link, methods i just dont get any kind of response back
I’ve added Content-Type application/json and it stayed the same.
When I’ve added Content-Length the Request is loading infinitely until I get a “Could Not Send Request”
Idk what am I missing