Is it possible to downgrade from 8.3.1? (too many bugs)

Postman upgraded itself to 8.3.0 (and then to 8.3.1) and in this process it deleted by scratch pad (all tabs failed to load; months of debug work gone). And it apparently doesn’t run the collection pre-request script, which I need.

So I really want to downgrade to a non-8.3 release, but am unsure if this is possible without ruining the whole installation and its data. I read one person wrote as he downgraded, postman force-upgraded when starting the downgraded version.

I’d love to assist in debugging this, but I am just too tired and frustrated having lost so much work due to postman.

you can download and install the V7 from below link and update to V8 and disable the auto update in settings,
so you can control the update

Hey @material-geoscienti1,

Sorry to hear you are unable to find your data.

You can try restoration of data by a few different ways mentioned below:

If this does not help, please feel free to submit a support request from the following link so that we can provide further assistance: