Feature Request: Multiple Types of Users for Paid Accounts or Ability for Free Users to Execute Collection Calls built by Paid Users

I talked to a few of the folks at POST/CON about how recent pricing increases per-user for Postman Pro is making my company look for other options to support our future development, use, and testing of APIs. Something that would help a lot is if it was possible to have multiple tiers of users for Postman Pro - full users that have access to all features and pay full price and then a second tier of users that can do minimal things like just calling existing or non-shared custom endpoint calls (but not access to the API development, mocking, testing tools etc).

An alternative would be some way of providing “Free” users with access to Pro organization collections without having to add those people as “Pro” users to the account (this appears to be what currently happens).

It sounded like Atlassian has both Enterprise + Free users, but I didn’t get a chance to ask their speaker how that works for them in-practice.

Hi there @rhanton -

Looks like your feature request might be somewhat related to this one, which is also on our public roadmap:

Feel free to chime in with your use case (by linking to this post) or upvote the request so that you’re updated on any changes. Or you can open a new issue (on GitHub) if it doesn’t quite cover your situation.