Did you remove the auto-save option for work on requests?

  • Descriptive Title: The Autosave feature no longer appears in Settings > General > Application
  • Introduce The Question: Is the Autosave feature no longer available to use in Postman? It used to be in the Settings > General > Application area, but it no longer shows there. Since it was an option, why remove it? Can it be re-added? I prefer it much more for my work and saves me so much time.

  • Tags: #autosave
  • :no_entry: Do NOT include sensitive information like auth tokens or passwords.

Hey @satellite-geoscient6 :wave:,

Do you know what plan your team is currently on?

We have a Basic Annual plan with a couple of add-ons

It is a paid account

@satellite-geoscient6 Could you please write to us at https://support.postman.com/hc/en-us/requests/new from the email associated with Postman, referencing this community thread? We should be able to help you enable this from the backend.

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