Save all changes in postman

i have a question, does postman has a save all function? currently, when i edit many api windows, i have to click save button in each api edit window, does save all functions in one time available in postman?


Hi @wayne.wu

Currently, we do not have this feature in place but we do have a GitHub request on the same lines: Add application-wide auto-save feature

As explained in the same thread:

It is a bit trickier in collaborative environments where some users might want this feature turned on, while others in the team are okay specifying when to save (in this case save individually). Could lead to a lot of conflicts.

Do add any additional comments on the thread that might help our engineering team to consider the same. In any case, you are free to submit a new feature request for this - thank you in advance for the inputs : )

Olá @Kurmavatar

Depois de quase 2 anos, poderia dar alguma notícia a respeito de tantas solicitações?


Yes, waaaay to long time for this kind and useful request. A simple option (Switch ON/OFF in example) in Settings to “do” or “not to” do a SAVE ALL changes.

No affecting any users as commented, as the default should simple be the “Off” setting.
When can we expect the delivery?

We’ve had an Autosave option in the platform for a while now - Is that what you are after?

This can be found in ⚙️ > Settings > General under the Application section.

The Github thread in the previous message, shows that it’s been released:

I created a topic about this back in October 2023:

Found the option. Thanks for listening to your users! Will try it out over the next days I suppose.

Another implementation could be: When user want to quit using the Postman app, the user is asked by the means of a pop-up to “Save all applied changes”, or not.

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