August 1, 2019, 10:26am
Hi community
Some days ago my Postman was updated automatically to version 7.3.4. From that time on it was not possible any more to click on links in the response area, view “Pretty”.
In older versions all links like the following were clickable and opened a new tab in Postman.
Example response:
“urn:x:rel:editAction:UPDATE”: [
“description”: “Edit”,
“rel”: “urn:x:rel:editAction:UPDATE”,
“href”: “/xxx/r/client/id/437898/commands/UPDATE”,
“objectType”: “command”
The part “href”: “/xxx/r/client/id/437898/commands/UPDATE”, was clickable. Now it is not.
Until now, I could not find any hint whether this is a bug in the new version. Does anyone here encounter the same problem?
Postman Native App
Postman Version 7.3.4, 7.3.5
OS: Windows 10
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August 2, 2019, 2:27pm
I’m definitely having the same problem. This makes using postman very difficult for me, because quite a bit of what I do is following links from requests.
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Hey @Mel301 / @garwilsas ,
Version 7.3.6 has be released today that contains several fixes for the response body output - Would you be able to update and check if this has solved the problem for you both.
August 5, 2019, 12:33pm
I got 7.3.6, but I still seem to be having the same problem.
August 5, 2019, 3:09pm
@danny-dainton :
I’m also still having the same problem with version 7.3.6.
August 13, 2019, 1:04pm
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(Trent McCann)
August 14, 2019, 1:20pm
Thanks for the link @Mel301
We are currently looking into a fix for this, hope to have something shortly.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
1 Like
(Kegan VanSickle)
September 5, 2019, 8:30pm
Are there any updates on this? I am on version 7.5.0 with the same issue. Thank you!
Hey @keganv ,
You can track the issue and resolution on our Github Tracker, from the latest comment, a fix was pushed to the Canary Channel 4 days ago.
opened 03:03PM - 02 Jul 19 UTC
closed 01:43PM - 16 Sep 19 UTC
Please read through the [guidelines](… n-app-support#guidelines-for-reporting-issues) before creating a new issue.
**Describe the bug**
Attempting to click a link/URI in the response body and it is no longer a hyperlink. Version 7.3.0. I have reverted back to 7.2.2 and they are hyperlinked as expected.
**To Reproduce**
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
1. Make a call to any service that will return a URI in the response
2. Attempt to click on the URI in the response
**Expected behavior**
New tab should open with the URI appended to the base URL of the previous tab
**App information (please complete the following information):**
- App Type [Windows App]
- Postman Version [7.3.0]
- OS: [Windows 7 Enterprise]
**Additional context**
This was working fine in 7.2.2, my Postman was automatically updated to 7.3.0, and now the links are no longer hyperlinked. It looks like this may have happened in the past (Github issues #1195 #185 #1267 #1268)