What's new in Postman for the Web?

Hey everyone! :wave:

To start with, if it’s the first time you’re hearing about “Postman for the Web”, yes, you can use Postman in your favourite browser! You can read more about this in the blog post announcement.

Now that we’re all on the same page, you must know that a lot has changed in Postman for the Web: a new interface, new tabs, universal search… I obviously can’t put all of this in a single sentence so let’s jump into each of these one by one!

If you’re more of a video person, you can also check our previous livestream where we walk you through the new interface.

Overview Page(s)

Watch a walkthrough of this in video here

First off, when you login on Postman for the Web you’ll notice a new Home page. This is your account overview, it contains all the information you need to get started with your work such as quick links to create or import a new entity, explore the API Network, your recent workspaces, or your Private APIs.
You can also invite new members to the team, manage the team, and see a team-wide activity feed from the Home page.


Each workspace also has its own Overview page, just like the Home page, the workspace Overview contains a few links to get started quickly, information on what is in the workspace, sharing details, and a workspace-specific activity feed.

Environments, Mocks, and Monitors in Tabs

Watch a walkthrough of this in video here for Environments and here for Mocks and Monitors

Historically, Postman started with Collections and History in tabs. We then added APIs a bit more than a year ago, but some elements were still hard to find, edit, or view. None of this with this new Postman since you can now access Environments, Mocks, and Monitors directly from their own tab!

But what does this mean exactly?

  • For Environments, you can easily switch from one to another while editing, and you can also keep the edit window open to edit it as you’re making requests. You can also set an environment as active from the tab.


  • For Mocks, you can see, search, and explore the call log history directly in Postman


  • For Monitors, you can see, navigate, and filter the results directly in Postman


Context Bar

Watch a walkthrough of this in video here

The two previous points should have already given you a clue that the new UI is all about making all elements as accessible and actionable as possible. Another thing we’ve done to help with that is adding a context bar to the right of the screen that contains all actions and informations you may need for a specific entity. It has general information - who created the entity, when it was created, documentation, and the comments that have been made - but it also contains entity-specific information, for example:

  • for a collection, you can see all the pull requests that have been made and the changelog
  • for a request, you can access the code snippets generation

If you’re using the Postman API, you’ll be very happy to hear that you can find each entity’s ID directly in the context bar as well!


Universal Search

Watch a walkthrough of this in video here

Ever been looking for that one collection but not remembering in which workspace it was? No more browsing through everything, you can now search across all of Postman! You can also specify if you’d like to only search in a specific team or the API Network, as well as filtering by entity type (Workspace, Collection, API, or Team).


Everything is a Link

Watch a walkthrough of this in video here

Let me start with an example, imagine if I wanted to share:

Wouldn’t it be nice if I could just give you a link for all of these directly? :eyes:

So yep, when using Postman for the Web, everything is a link! The examples above are just examples, you could send a link to a monitor, an environment, an example response from a mock… the character length for URIs is the limit (and we’ve yet to hit it)!

Well, that’s a lot isn’t it? It isn’t even all of it! But we want to keep some for you to discover by yourself, so go ahead, try it out, and let us know what you think. :slightly_smiling_face:

P.S: You may be wondering what are these public workspaces I’m talking about and sending you to, we have a whole blog post about it so if you’re interested, follow the lead:


Such GIFs :star_struck: :framed_picture: :confetti_ball:

Can you see how my posts are slowly turning into being only GIFs… :see_no_evil:


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