What’s new in Postman 7.32?

Hey everyone! :slightly_smiling_face:

Postman 7.32 was just released and I thought I’d give you the scoop here first. Try it out by updating your app or downloading the latest version. Here’s the highlight of the changes we’ve made:

Static IPs for Monitors

This is one for our users on the Business and Enterprise team. Up to now you had to manually set the monitor to use a static IP, from this release every monitor you create will be using a static IP by default. Nothing to do on your side apart from taking advantage of it!

If you’re reading this and are interesting in how you can also benefit from this, check out our pricing page and upgrade to either the Business or Enterprise plan!

Auto-complete for OpenAPI 2 and OpenAPI 3

In 7.29 we added autocomplete for the pm.* API, but we know that an API doesn’t start with writing tests but with writing an API definition. Therefore in this version we’ve added autocomplete for OpenAPI 2 and OpenAPI 3 schemas which means no more blank page anxiety when defining your API!

To get started, create a new API, open the Define tab, then start typing or press CMD + space or CTRL + space to see suggestions.

Shameless plug, if you want to learn more about getting started with OpenAPI, you can watch @kinlane and I doing a livestream on “How to go from zero to OpenAPI 3.0”.

Simulate network delays on Mock servers

As you’re building and testing your API, you may want to add a fake delay to your mock server to depict an API behaviour where your users could be using a slower connection for example. From 7.32 you can do exactly that when setting up your Mock.
Create a mock through the collection options or from the API Builder, tick Add a delay before sending response, then select the delay you’d like (200ms, 300ms, or custom).

That’s it for the highlights! If you’d like to see the complete list of improvements and bug fixes that were part of this release, check out the full release notes.

Don’t forget to download the latest app, and let us know if you have any feedback!