Uploading a file - getting file undefined error

Posting to an api: The file is in my working directory. And the process seems to find it because the Content-Length os 44391… however, Request Body says file: undefined

Host: localhost:8080

Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br

Connection: keep-alive

Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=--------------------------295751255441352584230489

Content-Length: 44391

  • :arrow_forward:Request Body
  1. file: undefined

Can you share a screenshot of the request body?

I initially had Content-Disposition set and it didn’t work. (The file name matched the file - filename) Also had Content-Type. I was removing those to just have file to eliminate items.

This is the message signature of the api:

public ResponseEntity<?> fileUpdate(
@RequestHeader(value = “Authorization”, required = true) String authorizationHeader,
@RequestParam Map<String, String> queryParams,
@RequestParam Map<String, String> formParams,
@RequestParam(“file”) MultipartFile file,
@RequestHeader HttpHeaders headers,
HttpServletRequest request) {

Is this a POST or a GET request?

I’m assuming POST, so a bit confused by you have queryParams in there which is normally for a GET request.

What do you have in the Params tab?

The way you have the file included looks correct for a POST request.

You might get a better response on Stack Overflow, but you will need to include a lot more information about your API setup.

Yes it is a POST. Here is a screen shot.

Is there any documentation for this API as mixing query parameters and form data is unusual.

I don’t think Postman is the issue here. It looks like something specific with the API setup.

Does it work using another method like cURL?

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