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My question:
Though I have did as instructed in the collection of Postman student expert training program. I am getting 2 errors while testing them in skill check. Not sure of what they exactly mean?

Details (like screenshots):

How I found the problem:
Though the Skill checker is complete but still getting the error

  • List item
    Used variables | TypeError: Cannot read property ‘raw’ of null
    Used query and path parameters | TypeError: Cannot read property ‘query’ of null

I’ve already tried:
I have tried doing it again and saved everything while done with the lesson.

Can you expand the folders so that we can see all the requests please?

I would recommend going through it again and reading all the information in the documentation and the responses.

If you have done it all again and saved it, you would still need to update the collection link, the update option will be in the same place that you generated the public link.