The htmlextra reporter is using an old Newman Docker image

I am using the docker image (dannydainton/htmlextra).

Is an upgrade of that one planned?

I sometimes get issues with JS code in the tests (probably because of an old version of postman?) that I dont get locally.

The new skip request feature isnt available as well.

Hey @niwapn,

Welcome to the Postman community :postman:

This isnโ€™t a Postman owned image or custom reporter - this has itโ€™s own repository where issues can be raised.

Your topic contains some vague information, I can take a look at this closer (If I get time) but I would need to see more details of the errors youโ€™re facing. This can all be placed in a new issue on the repo I mentioned above.

Ok, then I think the issue is that the image is old and when I run newman + the htmlextra reporter locally it works.