Scratch pad option is missing from settings in Version 10.16.5

I am new to Postman. When it starts up I want to use postman in an offline mode (scratch pad) because my company works behind firewalls.

When I click the Settings Icon the Scratch pad option is not displayed.

Im using Postman in windows - version 10.16.5

Any one have this experience?

Hey @lunar-module-physic7 !

As of May 15th, 2023, Scratch Pad mode is no longer available in new versions of the Postman app.

You can read more about it on our blog post here.

New Postman users who download the Postman desktop app use the lightweight API Client when not signed in to Postman. You can use the lightweight API Client to send API requests, including HTTP, WebSocket, gRPC, and GraphQL requests. Postman users who have data in the Scratch Pad will continue to use the Scratch Pad when not connected to Postman’s servers.

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