Runner keeps scrolling up

Is there any way to stop the runner from auto scrolling to the top when I navigate to it? If I have used a runner, then checked out some specific request, and then navigate back to the runner, it scrolls to the top. Since I have many requests this amounts to a lot of annoying scrolling. Is there any way to turn this off?

Hi @wabaduz . Welome to the Postman Community :postman_logo:.

It’s unclear what aspect of the collection runner you’re referring to. Can you provide some screenshots of what you’re referring to?

It is in this view. If I would scroll down, navigate to one of the requests in the run (for debugging reasons), and then navigate back, the page is automatically scrolled to the top.

I’m basically looking for some way to make the runner remember which requests I was looking at.

Hi @wabaduz. I’ll recommend that you create and issue here so we can have this on our radar. I’ll also escalate this to the relevant team.

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Thank you, I have created a feature request for it. I hope this is what you meant!

Thank you for your help!

Keep scroll location when changing tabs from a runner in the Postman desktop app · Issue #13092 · postmanlabs/postman-app-support (

Yes, it is. Thank you!

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