Please remove this ticket: Postman is not running all folders from a collection and using environment variables

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My question:
Nov 16, 2021 It looks like postman is not running all folders from a collection

Details (like screenshots):
I do have a collection with a few folders and when I run the collection all I want to see all folders to run in sequential order. Somehow is running only the 2 folders. I read related articles and I try to postman.setNextRequest on the last request of one folder to the postman.setNextRequest(“request id of the first request of the next folder”) or to the postman.setNextRequest(“request unique_name of the first request of the next folder”), but when I run the entire collection the execution still stops after the first 2 folders

And I have the same results running using newman.

Please can one help and advise me how can I run the entire collection with any number of folders.
Thank you

How I found the problem:
When I run the entire collection from postman or using the newman all the time is running only the first 2 folders.

I’ve already tried: