Newman to Postman URL "error: collection could not be loaded Error fetching the resource from the provided URL. Ensure that the URL is valid. Service limit exhausted. Please contact your team admin"

My question:

hi all have been running a simple ping request from Jenkins using newman - newman run <<API_KEY> --insecure -folder Ping-Tests - -environment “<ENV_URL>” --global-var …

Suddenly a few hours ago any test I run on 4 of my different collections are returning:

“error: collection could not be loaded Error fetching the resource from the provided URL. Ensure that the URL is valid. Service limit exhausted. Please contact your team admin”

this is strange as have not changed any of the collections and have checked all 4 collections and they URL is indeed still correct and the folder name too.

I can run the requests fine within postman but not newman. Checked and newman is operational. I thought maybe postman web had a new version dropped but I cant tell? Postman app had version 10 released in May but unsure about web

Cant find anyone else having an issue atm but it definitely feels like something is wrong internally as Ive not changed any of the collections, requests or tests.


Happening on all 4 of my collections across 2 different workspaces

Has your API key expired?

I thought about this but I dont think so? my API keys have a 60 day expiry and we have only been testing these collections for about 1.5 weeks? Are talking about the API keys used for the collection or the environment?

Also wouldn’t it show in my keys that they were expired? It still shows the API keys there?

And each collection and the 2 envioronments have their own API key and they were generated at different times so they are not all going to expire at the same time!

EDIT: I have just gone and made a brand new API collection, shared it to generate a new API key, created a new API key for the environment and it still fails for the same reason! I removed --insecure from the newman call, no difference. I then thought about what if our network was now blocking these URLS but no, I tried it from my home network and got the same issue

FIXED: Looks like the issue is because we are using the free postman team and I just saw we have reached our monthly limit! It would be good if the error actually told you that! And if Postman gave you a notification on that too!