Newman Service Limit not increased after upgrade from Free


I reached a limit on 1000 API calls when using the Newman, see error message at end. Received a mail and could also see in “Resource usage” that limit have been reached.

I upgraded from Free to Basic that should entitle you to 10000 API calls. “Resource usage” is showing 0 of 10000 but I still have the same issue.

If I’m using POSTMAN directly it’s working.

How can this problem be solved?

Error: collection could not be loaded
Error fetching the resource from the provided URL. Ensure that the URL is valid.
Service limit exhausted. Please contact your team admin.

Hey @karpar :wave:

Welcome to the Postman Community! :postman:

Newman doesn’t have a limit but what I believe you mean is the Postman API limit. Are you using that within the Newman command to get the Collection for the run?

Could you expand on what you mean by this please?

If I’m using POSTMAN directly it’s working.

Hi Danny,

Thank you for your fast reply.

I was a little confused when I wrote the first email but hope this will be clearer.

This is how I use POSTMAN:

  • “Newman run…” in cmd window
  • “Newman run…” triggered by Jenkins in a shell.
  • Selecting the send button for the requests, one by one, in the collection.
  • Using Runner feature in POSTMAN (not very often)

I use the “Share via API” feature to run my collection in Newman.

This is the command and response in cmd window:

newman run -e envInitiate.json -r htmlextra --reporter-htmlextra-title “Verify delete 1” -d 1Del1Food.json
error: collection could not be loaded
Error fetching the resource from the provided URL. Ensure that the URL is valid.
Service limit exhausted. Please contact your team admin.

My collection is not sending any request towards POSTMAN. It’s only sending request to the system I’m testing.


By using the Postman API to get your Collection (https://api.postman…) , you’re eating into the limits imposed on that feature as per your licence type.

As a workaround and to get you unblocked, you could export the Collection as a JSON file and then use that in your project, rather than calling the Postman API to get your Collection each time.

Hi Danny,

Thanks a lot for the solution. Works like a charm. I will implement this in my Jenkins build.

According to POSTMAN GUI I have used 0 of 10000 POSTMAN API request but I have asked POSTMAN helpdesk about it so no need to answer that question here. I will update this post if I get answer on that. Could be me misunderstanding something. Since I now have a solution this does not block me anymore.

Again thanks a lot and have a nice week,

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