Just beginning my Postman journey

Hi I’m Gerry. I’m a retired individual and just beginning my Postman journey. It’s so reassuring to know there is such a thriving community to help and talk to. I’ll let you know what I’ve been up to soon.


Hey @gerryatric :wave:t3:

Great to have you are part of the Community!! :heart:

Looking forward to seeing and hearing about how you’re utilizing Postman.

We’re always here if you need a helping hand, just ping me anytime. :pray:t3:

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Nice to have you here, @gerryatric! This is a great community and you will always find the answers you’re looking for :grinning:

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Welcome, @gerryatric! We’re thrilled you’re here.

If you haven’t already, please check out The Drop to see what we’re currently working on. Your POV means a lot, so please don’t hesitate to share honest feedback in the comments!

Also, if you’re interested in meeting the amazing community irl, POST/CON 25 is coming up. Here’s info on that: POST/CON 25 Conference | Postman API Platform

And, finally, we love to support Postman community members in sharing our valuable education and insights. Here’s our Community Contribution program if participating in something like this interests you. Postman Community Contribution Program | Postman

Again, grateful you’re here – thanks for dropping the note! Let us know how we can help!

To infinity and beyond, Patricia :rocket: