Howto add member on Workspace


I’m new to Postman.

I have create Workspace Team with name A, but not private.
Howto add member to join A Workspace ? Can postman free account join the workspaces?

I’m using Postman Enterprise for 1 paid slot.


Hi @bkrismawan

Welcome to community :wave:

Collaboration is one of the core features of Postman and I understand how frustrating it could be if someone was having a problem with understanding how to use the functionality, especially when it comes to adding users to the team. In fact, this can be a good UX find for us to improve on.

I’m here to help you with this - you can add as many members to your team depending upon the number of licenses you’ve purchased.
Postman Enterprise Annual teams (like yours) can increase their team size at any time. Here’s detailed documentation about the same.

Thank You @suraj.purohit

Meaning, I have to add several paid slots (members) in Postman Enterprise?

If I make a collection, can I invite a free postman account?

Thank you very much

You can add as many members to your team depending upon the number of licenses you’ve purchased. So, to add more members into your team - you need to purchase more licenses.

I hope this clarifies.