Hello! Welcome to the Postman Community forum. We want you to get the most out of the forum as possible; your questions help others learn too. Here are best practices and forum etiquette to assist getting the answers you need.
Update: Using public workspaces to share your problem makes getting support even more easily. Here’s how.
- Search First: Thanks to the great Postman community, there are many answers for common questions already accessible. Try searching for keywords related to your inquiry; even if your exact question hasn’t been asked, similar posts may give clues to get you on the right track.
Here’s an example to get started:
Use a descriptive title: Keep it specific; briefly summarize your problem and your ask. If you’re having trouble summarizing, consider adding the title last.
Choose the best category:
“Help” is the most frequented category, but it’s not the only place to try.
“Just Getting Started” is the perfect place for judgment-free questions while you learn Postman.
If you’re looking for help with a specific inquiry, Help and Just Getting Started is where you should go. The other channels, such as “from the experts” and “RFCs” aren’t support channels, so your question may not be seen by other users looking to help out.
If you’re proud of what you’re working on and want to share it with us, “Community Showcase” is the category for you.
Have a high level question about Postman as a whole? Try the “General Discussion” category.
Tag your topic: Using relevant tags to your topic helps people to search for answers to similar questions
Introduce the question: Explain what problem you’re trying to solve, how you encountered it, and the steps you’ve taken to solve the issue thus far. The clearer your question, the more likely you’ll receive help. Give an overview of the problem before adding screenshots or code.
Add screenshots and specific details: Adding screenshots and examples goes a long way for others to understand your problem. Code, collections, data dumps, console errors, screenshots or gifs may be useful to add.
Don’t forget to format your code blocks!
It makes it much easier to read. But please don’t include any sensitive information in either the code or your screenshots. To format your code blocks, use three backticks on the line before and the line after.
✓ Do share: The Postman App, Chrome, and Operating System version you’re using
✓ Don’t share: Sensitive information like auth tokens and passwords
To add a screenshot:
You can add a screenshot to your post once you have input your title and chosen a category. Click the upload button in the editor console and select an image from your local files. You can also drag and drop a file from your local machine. Or, If you add a URL with a .jpg extension, it will render the image.
Share how you encountered the problem: Let us know how you reached the problem to begin with. What’s the context?
List your previously attempted solutions: Explain what you’ve already tried so we don’t suggest those options too. Knowing what you’ve tried already will provide additional information for troubleshooting.
Proof-read: Check your post for grammar and spelling errors both before you post and after posting your question. Don’t be afraid to post if you’re not comfortable with English, though. Consider having a friend or peer review your post to help.
Check in: Keep your eye out for the response to your question. When someone responds with help, keep the conversation going! A dialogue about the issue may help other users experiencing the same problem.
Mark the solutions: If you find a solution, post a follow-up so that others can learn too. Mark the question as solved by checking the solution option.
Happy posting!