Using Public Workspaces to Get Help with Postman

Using Public Workspaces

We have a new way to get you the answers you need: let’s just go straight to the source. When you’re asking for help, consider sharing your collection publicly (and safely!) using public workspaces.

Sharing screenshots and code snippets is like a spotlight, revealing one potential trouble spot. Sharing your collection for troubleshooting is like turning on a light so we can see the whole room. We don’t have to guess in the dark anymore.

TL;DR: You’ll move the collection to a public workspace. Grab the collection URL and share it in your post so that we can problem solve together in an actual environment.

:exclamation: Be sure to remove your sensitive information like API keys

How to Share your Work Via Public Collections

Create a public workspace

Create a public workspace for your forum troubleshooting. You could call this Demos, Forum, Discourse, Help, anything. For this sake of this exercise, let’s call it Forum Help.

Resource: creating workspaces documentation

Share your collection to your new workspace

Go to the collection in question, fork it, and share it to your new Forum Help workspace.

:eyes: :key: Don’t forget to remove sensitive information like API keys! You can save the variable at the collection level but remove the values so that you don’t reveal your secrets

Comment on your trouble spots

In that collection, switch to commenting mode, and highlight your questions, concerns, and trouble spots.

Resource: commenting on collections documentation

Craft your post

Please still be as descriptive as possible in the post itself--the public workspace does not replace a clear request for help. Following these guidelines will help get you the answers you need. A recap:
  1. Use a descriptive title
  2. Choose the best category
  3. Tag your topic
  4. Introduce the problem, how it was encountered, and previously attempted solutions
  5. Link to your public workspace

Link to your collection in your post

Get the public link to your collection and share it in your post. Remember to still be specific in your description. Your collection doesn’t replace the context we need.

Now go ahead and click that create post button!

How to Help Others

So, you want to help answer questions? (First off, thanks!) There are a few ways to help. You can:
  • Comment on the collection in question
  • Fork the collection, troubleshoot in your own workspace, and submit a PR with changes
  • Replicate the issue or mock a different approach
  • Share a public collection of your own that could point the original poster in the right direction

There are some great public workspaces that support Postman learning. If you need inspiration, take a look at these two examples: Postman Answers, built by the Postman team comprises collections and code samples for FAQs on this forum and @praveendvd 's Postman Tricks and Tips collection, one of the shining first examples from our community.

Happy sharing!


Yay public workspaces! Help us help you!


The notification informing if we accidentally added key to public workspace is fabulous , loved it tho we could have an option to add specific key to ignore list when user adds to on purpose . :clap::heavy_heart_exclamation:


@Mitul_3737 you can follow this guide to create a public workspace, fork your collection into it with comments on appropriate lines and share it on the forum for easy troubleshooting.

1 Like

In my test collection,i face some errors,so someone help me with that as well. Here,is my collection link - [image]


Hi @sparti , glad you’re asking for help! Can you please create a new topic in either Just Getting Started or Help, so that others can respond to your question? Thanks!

1 Like

Set env variable from script and set next request | AssertionError: expected to have a length above 0 but got 0
i tried everything but its not working

1 Like


I am a dotnet developer my API i handle json behavior in dotnet core DI container, And done some configuration. If user send only a wide space on postman, It will shows invalid media type 415 without showing my validation message. Can you kindly explain what dose happens ?

Hi all, I am trying to run code generators repository in my local machine by cloning is the repo GitHub - postmanlabs/postman-code-generators: Common repository for all code generators shipped with Postman
I am using following snippet to get converted code:
const codegen = require(“postman-code-generators”); // require postman-code-generators in your project
const fs = require(“fs”);
const sdk = require(“postman-collection”); // require postman-collection in your project
const options_ = {
url: “”,
method: “POST”,
header: {
auth: “23456789”,
ContentType: ‘text/plain’
body: {
urlencoded: {
name: “judedfghjhgfdsawertyuiolk,jmhngbfvdcsdfghjnbgvfdcsx”


const request = new sdk.Request(options_); //using postman sdk to create request
const language = “Nodejs”;
const variant = “Native”;
const options = {
indentCount: 3,
indentType: “Space”,
trimRequestBody: true,
followRedirect: true

fs.writeFileSync(“a.json”, JSON.stringify(codegen.getLanguageList()));

codegen.convert(language, variant, request, options, function(error, snippet) {
if (error) {

but I am not able to pass body payload to the postman code generator and not able to generate code for body payload included as output.So could you please help me with the same. your help is much appreciated, thanks in advance.

1 Like

Hey all, I’m getting this 404 error in the task- Add a book & Add an authorization.
What wrong have I done?

please help me out.


It looks like you are hardcoding the end of the URL (genre=fiction&…) where it should be using a path parameter\variable (/books/:id$/).

Check the URL for this specific request. (Please note, the code you are showing is not for the test that is failing, you need to scroll down three more tests).