How do i capture my https reques from my phone using postman proxy

I configured postman proxy using my phone, I am able to capture HTTP request, how do I capture https request?

Hi @shamseer!

Currently, our proxy will only capture HTTP requests. Feel free to chime in (even if it’s just a thumbs up) on the open Github issue.

Our team reviews all (not even kidding) of our open Github issues periodically, so don’t feel like I’m sending you off into the abyss :). I’ll pass along your request internally as well.

This is no longer true according to:

So it would be nice to see this question answered for capturing HTTPS traffic from an iPad or iPhone device, rather than from a browser running on the same computer as the Postman app. The latter works fine after following the instructions here to add the Postman CA cert to the Postman app. But this doesn’t seem to help capture traffic from a device that is proxying through the same Postman instance.