Which version of Postman are you using? (this can be checked by going to the “About” tab within the settings). It looks like you might be on an older version and could use updating.
We’re currently at version 7 on the native Mac app. If you click on the “Update” tab, you should be able to bump up to the latest version.
Because you’re quite far behind and you are having some sync problems, I’d recommend exporting a complete dump of your Postman data, just in case. Hit the “Data” tab in the preferences in order to do that.
Are you thinking about the PC Version? PC version is 7.0.6
The MAC version was only downloaded a month or so ago. It is version 4.0.0-beta.4, and selecting Update reports “You are up to date! Postman v4.0.0-beta.4
is the latest version”