Duplicated tabs renaming

When renaming a tab which created by clicking on the “Duplicate” menu item, the parent tab will also be renamed.


Hi @forenheith,

Welcome to the community!

Looks like I was able to reproduce the issue, and personally, I wouldnt expect this to happen, but I can’t confirm its supposed to happen this way or not.

Thanks for bringing it to light.


2020-03-04, this bug still remains…

Hi @maic.ma,

Welcome to the community! :clap:

Looks like it still is in there, got the same result when reproducing the behavior. However, I am not sure what is really to be expected here.

@danny-dainton would you be able to elaborate on this behavior? I am not sure if its expected or not. While I would think not, I do not want to assume.


Hey everyone,

From my understanding of the way that works, It’s not a ‘Duplicate’ in the same sense of how a request is duplicated. That would make a new copy of that request and place it in the folder.

The Duplicate Tab option creates a new tab with the same request, it’s not a copy of it, you just have the same request open it two tabs.

So any edits to the Request Name, in either tab, would change the name on both tabs. Likewise, if you made changes to the request (Params, Headers, Tests, etc.) and saved them, this would change both tabs.

We currently have an open issue to improve the UX of this feature as it’s something that causes confusion based on the name being similar to other places on the app


Seems like I should be able to make a copy of the request and change its name. One request for local, one for the dev server, or something similar. I can’t imagine why I would want to change the names of both tabs every time. Please change this behavior.

I have noticed the same thing. I would like to be able to duplicate a tab, then edit it as a new “cloned” tab that has no affect on the original tab. Maybe leave the duplicate tab functionality as is, and add a new item called Clone Tab (or copy tab) that has this behaviour, where the new cloned tab is a copy of the original, but modifying it does not affect the tab it was cloned from. The use case of this is to easily copy a tab with all the headers, auth settings etc then modify the parameters or url to a different request, to save from having to set up all the headers etc again for a new request.

@mr_camouflage @satellite-engineer-6 In case you’re not aware, the “Duplicate” context menu option in the collection list will do what you’re asking (clone a complete copy of the original request)


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Hi guys,
This situation can be handled by doing save as and then rename the duplicate tab.
Worked for me.

I also found this irritating behavior, but did not find time to investigate, before. It is either a bug, or the most useless feature I can imagine. Where would be the practical use-case of creating 2 or more tabs showing exactly the same query item?

In opposite, the practical use-case is that you want to create a new request based on the current settings of a NOT NECESSARILY SAVED existing query tab, varying only in a few settings, while keeping the existing one for the time being (not saving it). The intuitive workflow is to right-click the tab header and pick “duplicate” to create a new, unsaved query. That is important, as I usually don’t do, and don’t want to be forced to save all temporary or interim queries.

I really love working with postman, for being so simple, yet powerful and intuitive. Please still consider fixing this behavior, or enlighten me with the benefit of showing the exactly same content in several tabs, other than unnecessarily flooding the tab header row!

You can do that (save-as and rename) also with any saved query, without the use of the “duplicate” item from the tab-header context menu. But it requires to save the query, which you should not be forced to do, just to create a new request based on the settings of another one.

That does not work for unsaved queries, as the collection list shows only saved queries. Hence I cannot duplicate the unsaved open tabs that I want to base my new request on, just on-the-fly. But that would be achievable with the tab-header’s context-menu’s “duplicate” command, if it worked correctly. Now it feels just useless and irritating, or why should I open the same request multiple times?

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OMG this issue is already 3 years old and still not resolved.

April 2023. Issue was reported almost four years ago and still not resolved. I’m beginning to think this is by design.

me3, December '23. This is the first hit in google when searching for this… :confused:

This is supremely irritating and an utterly irrational design decision. Please either
a) FIX what “duplicate” does by changing it into a clone or something completely disconnected from the parent, or
b) ADD a “clone tab” or “clone request” functionality that will create a brand new, unrelated request that will copy over everything from the parent tab, or
c) ADD a “save as” option to the right-click menu, or
d) ADD a FILE menu to the top/title bar where most users expect a save/save as option to live.