Is there a way to rename your tabs? I could have sworn I was able to do this a while ago, but I can’t get it to happen now. Thanks!
If you mouse over the name of the request below the tab a pencil edit icon should appear, click it and then edit the name. Or within your collection on the left hand side of the app you can mouse over the name of the request, click on the ellipsis and then select Rename.
Hmm… I’m not seeing the pencil icon. Should I be able to rename a tab in the history view of the workspace (main area on screen, not history in the left column) or am In the wrong area??
Saving the request to a collection and renaming it worked fine, thanks!.
Hey @bobwoodard
We have noticed this behavior, and have fixed this internally.
Will be coming up in our future releases
I have the same problem. I have created a new workspace and it is not possible to edit tab name. However, it IS possible to edita tab names in the old workspace (the original).
Postman v6.7.3
hey @sbotta
You can only rename when you have a saved request open in a tab.
If a request is not saved, you cannot rename the tab yet.
First you need to save the request, Only then you can change a title of request
just click on the save icon and save then proceed further.
With the recent switch to a lightweight client, it’s seemingly no longer possible to change name of tabs without signing in.
You have to save the tab before you can change the tab title. Saving seems to now require remote access via login. There seems to be no way to save requests in the working directory locally?
I don’t want to sign up. No signup means no saving, which means no tab title editing.
Am I missing something, or is this intended?
Hey @johnfrian
Collections are no longer part of the Lightweight Client so the request wouldn’t be saved into anything.
Currently, there is no way to change the name of a historical request so it would display the URL in the tab title.
More information around the change can be found in the announcement blog post.