CSV with empty cell and Collection Runner


I do try to run Collection Runner with data in CSV file

where as you can see there is one empty key value in the second row.
Postman refuses to run the collection due to missing value.
Any idea why?
All the best

It shouldn’t what error you get ? You csv is wrong as string is not enclosed using double quotes

Thanks for getting back to me.
Here is the error

The CSV file gets processed fine if only I put a value between 11390 and 2818.
In case it is left empty the above error is the result.
Hopefully you will be able to help me to find what is going on.
All the best

Just a correction you don’t have to enclose string explicitly with double quotes , postman will do that automatically .

please add your full csv , the url , and your json body .

The error is from endpoint not from csv

Thanks for replying.
You can download them here:

All the best

Hi @praveendvd
Any chance you’ll have a look at it?
It would be much appreciated.
All the best

Hello @ivanvazquezz and @taehoshino , any chance you could help me with this as well?
All the best

your automationwidget field is empty , so id is passsed as empty

But projectBusinessUnits not.
It shows error.
All the best