Chaining Responses and Visualizer with Runner

Hi folks -
Looking to get some assistance and I’m not sure if this is possible or not. I have ever 1000 devices that I need to query via API and get a specific result that would be different for each device.
I have 2 collections

Collection 1: Does a discovery of the nodes and gives me the following info:
Name, Group, ID
----------being snip----------------

        "copyId": "1294490049_3435e002f78568bc_0",
        "groupName": "CG_FOO_BURGER",
        "id": "LONG_FOO_NUMBER",
        "name": "FOO_CHEESE",
        "protectFutureNewVmdks": true,
        "replicaVmdkDiskProvisioningType": "SAME_AS_SOURCE",
        "replicateVmHardware": true,
        "role": "PRODUCTION",
        "vmReplicationId": "26e97e08267ef683",
        "vmToolsVersion": "12325",
        "vmdks": [
                "included": true,
                "name": "Hard disk 2",
                "path": "SCSI (0:1)",
                "sizeInMB": 256000
                "included": true,
                "name": "Hard disk 1",
                "path": "SCSI (0:0)",
                "sizeInMB": 87040

-----------end snip------------
I need to pass the results of the ID into collection 2 but I still need Name and Group to be available.
Collection 2: Takes the ID and gets that information and in the response body it has address
------begin snip-----

        "adapterName": "Network Adapter 1",
        "adapterIndex": 1,
        "vcNetwork": {
            "id": "dvportgroup-621",
            "name": "FOO_ADDRESS"

-----------end snip------------
my final result is a visualization table that has the following fields:
Name, Group, ID, Address
In each collection I have visualizer setup with a {{#each response}} loop and stores the necessary fields as a collection variable. but when I get to collection 2 it goes through the iterations but the visualizer doesn’t update. It just shows the first entry.

When you say “Collection”, do you actually mean 2 requests within a collection?

So you need the name, groupName and ID from request 1 alongside the name from request 2 in a visualiser table?

How are you running request 2? How are you looping through the 1000 devices?

Can you copy and paste the code you have for the visualiser?

If I understand this correct, the way I would do this is as follows;

Single Collection with 1 request in to bring back all of the nodes.
I would then control the loop in the tests tab of that request using sendRequest to make the second API call to retrieve the name\address.

I would initialize a new JavaScript array to store the results.
I would have a foreach loop to loop through the nodes in the response.
I would retrieve the Name, groupName and ID
Still within the loop, I would use the Postman sendRequest() function for the second API call to retrieve the address\name.

I would then add all of the relevant elements as an object to the array.

Once the loop is finished, I would then use the new array as the input for the visualizer.

Tip: Use the pre-formatted text option in the editor when posting code, JSON or responses. As it stops everything from being aligned to the left and hard to read.

Here is an example of creating an array, looping through the response, and formatting for the visualizer. If you have a 1000 entries, use the HTML I’ve provided as it has a sticky header for the visualizer.

const response = pm.response.json();

let array = []; // initialise array

response.forEach(node => {
    let groupName = node.groupName
    let id =
    let name =
    // use sendRequest here to call your second API
    let obj = {
        groupName: groupName,
        id: id,
        name: name
        // include the element from the second API here.
    array.push(obj); // push the current object into the array


var template = `

    <style type="text/css">
        .tftable {font-size:14px;color:#333333;width:100%;border-width: 1px;border-color: #87ceeb;border-collapse: collapse;}
        .tftable th {font-size:18px;background-color:#87ceeb;border-width: 1px;padding: 8px;border-style: solid;border-color: #87ceeb;text-align:left;position:sticky;top:0;}
        .tftable tr {background-color:#ffffff;}
        .tftable td {font-size:14px;border-width: 1px;padding: 8px;border-style: solid;border-color: #87ceeb;}
        .tftable tr:hover {background-color:#e0ffff;}
    <table class="tftable" border="1">

            <th>Group Name</th>

        {{#each response}}



pm.visualizer.set(template, {
    response: array // use the array for the visualizer input

You just need to add the code for the sendRequest() as I can’t mimic that easily.

Postman JavaScript reference | Postman Learning Center

this is is the test for the 1st collection

const responseData=pm.response.json();
pm.collectionVariables.set("vmRep", pm.response.json()[0].id);
pm.collectionVariables.set("CGname", pm.response.json()[0].groupName);
pm.collectionVariables.set("VM", pm.response.json()[0].name);

var template = `
<style type="text/css">
        .tftable {font-size:11px;color:#333333;width:100%;border-width: 1px;border-color: #87ceeb;border-collapse: collapse;}
        .tftable th {font-size:14px;background-color:#87ceeb;border-width: 1px;padding: 8px;border-style: solid;border-color: #87ceeb;text-align:left;}
        .tftable tr {background-color:#ffffff;}
        .tftable td {font-size:11px;border-width: 1px;padding: 8px;border-style: solid;border-color: #87ceeb;}
        .tftable tr:hover {background-color:#e0ffff;}
    <table class="tftable" border="1">
            <th>VM Name</th>
            <th>Consistency Group</th>
			<th>Replication ID</th>
			<th>Source Network</th>
        {{#each response}}

// Set visualizer
pm.visualizer.set(template, {
    // Pass the response body parsed as JSON as `data`
    response: pm.response.json()

and this is the test for the 2nd collection

var template = `
<style type="text/css">
        .tftable {font-size:11px;color:#333333;width:100%;border-width: 1px;border-color: #87ceeb;border-collapse: collapse;}
        .tftable th {font-size:14px;background-color:#87ceeb;border-width: 1px;padding: 8px;border-style: solid;border-color: #87ceeb;text-align:left;}
        .tftable tr {background-color:#ffffff;}
        .tftable td {font-size:11px;border-width: 1px;padding: 8px;border-style: solid;border-color: #87ceeb;}
        .tftable tr:hover {background-color:#e0ffff;}
    <table class="tftable" border="1">
            <th>VM Name</th>
            <th>Consistency Group</th>
			<th>Replication ID</th>
			<th>Source Network</th>
        {{#each response}}

// Set visualizer
pm.visualizer.set(template, {
    // Pass the response body parsed as JSON as `data`
    response: pm.response.json()

Your first request is only bringing back the first object in the array. You are using the array index [0] and then setting those elements as collectionVariables.

Your second request is again only bringing back a single record.

If you need to loop through a 1000 entries, then you will need a loop similar to what I posted previously to combine the two elements.