I’m having trouble trying to get the OAuth 2.0 token @Azure when using Postman Desktop and having “Authorize using browser”, as the in-progress dialog never gets closed. No popup-blocker.
Postman v9.0.5
Chrome 94.0.4606.81 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Windows 10 Enterprise Version 21H1 (OS build 19043.1237)
Windows Feature Experience Pack 120.2212.3530.0
OAuth 2.0 properly configured, click “Get New Access Token”
Browser open and allows me picking an account
I receive the success message;
However, Postman never receives the token and keeps spinning:
(…image limit, it continues…)
- However, clicking it don’t seems to cause any effect in Postman desktop client.
I’ve already tried:
- as I develop locally, web client isn’t an option;
- without checking the “Authorize using browser” I can authenticate, but I can’t use my cached credentials, so same copy and paste I’m trying to avoid, but now with credentials
Any ideas?