Can you share any public Postman collections which are self contained tutorials? I am not looking for tutorials on how to use Postman. I want to see tutorials on using an API. It doesn’t matter if I have access to the API.
The Postman blog has a bunch of API 101 material if you want to learn about APIs in general. There’s also some interactive collections like API 101 and API Learner .
You can also search Postman for tutorial collections to see the results, especially if you’re looking for specific APIs: Postman
@jetison Thanks. Actually, I am not looking for tutorials on Postman. I want to write a tutorial on how to us a product’s API. I wanted to create a collection for that. I’ve included an example in my question now.
The resources I suggested are not tutorials for learning Postman. They are tutorials for learning about APIs.
If you’re looking for tutorials about specific APIs, enter that specific API as a search term into the Search field, like this. You can search for a Product’s API reference and tutorials. The last link includes the search term TUTORIAL. If you click through that link, you’ll see something like this:
Hey @nilanjenator,
I created a tutorial for using Kubernetes APIs. But it was all towards the goal of being able to deploy using the APIs.
I was able to make the tutorial a bit more interactive because of the Postman visualizer and the documentation. Maybe this helps!