Can no longer choose to overwrite collections when importing from a file

When importing a collection with the same name as an existing collection postman used to ask whether I want to overwrite the existing one or import as a copy.

Now postman always imports a copy and does not give me the option to overwrite.

I have had a look in the settings and can’t see an option to get the old behavior back.

Was this a deliberate change? Is there a way to make postman overwrite collections when importing?

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I would love a setting to let me overwrite collections again. The old behavior was perfectly good.

When developing a web service, it was handy to include a collection file for testing all APIs as part of the project. Whenever it was updated, I could import the latest collection and overwrite. Now I need to remember to delete first.

Can anyone shed light on why the change was made?

I would love that option back as well as it was very handy to refresh all my collections whenever I changed my git branch and wanted the collections on the particular branch to be loaded.

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As far as I can see, this copy behaviour still happens.

Overwrite is missing.

Makes using something like OpenAPI as single source of truth, whilst trying to maintain documentation a terrible experience unless I’m missing something?