Can I clear the response without running another request?

Pretty straightforward question. I canā€™t see a ā€˜clearā€™ button on the UI. I am referring to the main UI, not the console which I know has a clear button. Perhaps Iā€™m just not seeing it, there are a lot of UI elements.


@aagranov Welcome to the community :partying_face:

What sort of clear button you are expecting? :blush: Response is in read only mode, so no edits there.

Remaining sections, you can select all and delete it manually.

If you are looking to clear the response for some business reasons, please place a feature request :slightly_smiling_face:

Yep, knowing what youā€™d like to clear will be very helpful. If by clear you mean delete, here are the buttons:

On a workspace level:

Screen Shot 2021-04-19 at 5.06.09 PM

On a collection level:

I donā€™t believe we have a ā€œjust nuke it allā€ option, but hopefully the above options wonā€™t take long.

I think the poster meant a ā€œclearā€ button like the one in the browser dev tools, where you can clear the console / network tab. I join the request, it would be helpful for the same reasons as itā€™s helpful in dev tools.

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This feature would indeed be useful, in particular when youā€™re demonstrating executing a query in front of an audience: you may have run it before presenting, but you want to re-execute it ā€œliveā€ without the previous run showing in the Response pane.

AFAIK it is not currently supported. A Clear button on Response pane, next to the Copy and Find icons for instance, would be useful in some circumstances

There is a workaround, which consists of leaving the tabs open and exiting Postman, then reopening the application: this will bring back the tabs but will have cleared the responses. A bit extreme perhaps, and you canā€™t select which tabs it will clear.


The easiest method Iā€™ve found was to duplicate tab.


I realize this topic is getting old, but this is one of the top Google hits for this question, and there seem to be many of us with the same use-case. Like 14geronimo, I would like this feature because it would simplify Demo. I can keep duplicating the tab, but it would be nice to have a real feature to implement this missing functionality.

Hi everyone!

I think this is a great idea and have struggled with this sometimes myself when making videos for Postman :sweat_smile:
Usually I would close the tab from within Postman and then re-click on the request but thatā€™s not always ideal.

I can see thereā€™s a feature request on the Postman app support GitHub, so letā€™s see if I can get this some more attention!

(Also, congrats on your first post @njmcafee and welcome to the Postman community! :confetti_ball:)

+1 :+1: Strong request to bump this up in the backlog please

Agree this would be useful. In addition to Chrome dev tools, IDEs also provide a way for clearing output in similar windows.