Bitbucket pipeline- could not find htmlextra report post parallel run is complete

Am running the postman collection in Bitbucket with parallel run & run result is pass but htmlextra report is missing.

am using below code in ym file. Can someone assist on this plz ?

     - step:
          name: I - Scenarios 
          script: # Modify the commands below to build your repository.
            - npm install -g newman
            - npm install -g newman-reporter-html 
            - npm install -g newman-reporter-htmlextra 
            - newman --version
     - parallel:                
        - step:
            name : Scenario1
              - newman run ./aa/bb/Scenario1.postman_collection.json -e ./aa/bb/Scenario1.json --reporters cli,htmlextra --reporter-htmlextra-export testReport.html --delay-request 500
        - step:
            name : Scenario2
              - newman run ./aa/bb/Scenario2.postman_collection.json -e ./aa/bb/Scenario2_environment.json --reporters cli,htmlextra --reporter-htmlextra-export testReport.html --delay-request 500
               - testReport.html

Hey @shivakumar1994

What’s missing - One report? Both reports?

You have each of the separate scripts, creating the report with the same name. Not sure what your expectations are here but that’s just going to override the other one.

I’m not 100% familiar with the way that BB creates artifacts for parallel runs though.

Hello @danny-dainton ,

Both reports are missing. am attaching bitbucket snapshot for both the steps.

Have put single ‘artifacts:’ line within parallel & if use ‘artifacts:’ line for all steps within parallel then also html report is not being generated.

However running the collection in pipeline without parallel, then the report is being generated. But not the same with parallel :frowning:

report generated when not using parallel:

Could you check & please suggest, if any alternative solution to generate htmlextra report for parallel run?

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