All Data deleted after Mac update

Hello. I recently updated Postman as well as my Mac. When I logged back in, all of my data in Postman was deleted. All my collections, all my history.

I get the screen about Scratch Pad being deprecated. When I try to migrate my data, nothing happens.

When I tried exporting the data. I exported to documents, and the archive it created had nothing inside of it.

Hey @johnvasgird,

Welcome to the Postman Community! :postman:

Thank you for reaching out to us! I’m so sorry to hear that your data was deleted.

You may already be aware that in May 2023, we announced the sunsetting of the Scratch Pad and introduced a new Lightweight API Client. You can find more information in our blog post and a FAQ section addressing common questions about this change.

At this point, I recommend reaching out to [email protected] to see if they can help you get closer to recovering your data.

Thank you!

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