We purchased one year of the Basic plan in January, when the conditions still said unlimited collection runs.
Does somebody know if the new limits apply to our existing licence as well or only renewals/new licences? If yes, it is very unfair.
I have reached out to support as suggested by @arlem yesterday, and asked them this question, no answer so far.
I tried to post this question 2x under the blog post which announced this change, and never got an approval for it to appear (not to mention an answer).
I am follwoing this thread and also following the other thread about the free licence:
There is no definite, official answer/clarification anywhere. This silence and lack of communication/clarification about this HUGE change makes me worry even more.
If the colleciton run limit goes live today and effectively blocks our work, I fear we will lose trust in this company.
So letโs hope they reconsider this, or at least provide clear information asap.