What is the correct format for including the API key in Speakatoo

I am working with Speakatoo’s API and need clarification on how to properly include the API key in the headers for requests. Should it be added as Authorization: Bearer [API_KEY], or does Speakatoo require a different format?

If possible, please provide an example of the correct format. Thank you!

Hey @supply-geoscientist6 :wave:t2:

From the documentation:

Once you signup/in you go to your account page and get your API Key:

It’s used in the request headers like this:

You need to pass API Key in the HTTP Authorization request header as ‘X-API-KEY: YOUR-API-KEY’. Your Content-Type header should be ‘Content-Type: application/json’.

I’ve never used this service so I’m just repeating what the documentation is saying.


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