Vault on Postman client for Linux

Postman version: v10.17.4 RHEL

Hi, I’m using Postman on a project that mandates use of Linux (rhel) and specific versions of software. I don’t have access to use the Vault in the postman client. No button for it, and the keybind for it is not to found in settings. The vault shows up in the webapp, so it’s not a workspace settings issue. I’m assumning versioning?

  • Does any version of the linux client support vault?
  • In what version is it added?

If vault is meant to be in my current version, what can I do to troubleshoot this issue?

Hey @extmno :wave:t2:

Welcome to the Postman Community :postman:

The Postman Vault was added to version 11 so any version below that wouldn’t have that and all the other features that were part of that and subsequent releases.

The web platform will always be running the latest version.