How to access Vault

Does anyone know how to access the new Vault feature? CTRL+SHIFT+V does nothing, and there is no Vault option on the footer bar. I’ve tried installing the latest Postman as well as the latest Canary build. I see the keyboard shortcut for it in the Settings, but that is the only place I find evidence of its existence.

Do I have to be a member of an Enterprise team to use it?

I think that feature is only in preview. (So invite only).

Where did you get information about it from?

I have been using v9 of Postman so I can continue using Scratchpad. My company will not allow us to store sensitive environment data in the cloud.

When I launch v9, I see a popup interstitial to upgrade to v11, and in that info page there is info about Vault. However, when I click the upgrade button it upgrades to the latest v10.x instead, and does not include Vault.

Sounds like something that someone from Postman will need to answer.

I did download the latest version from the website and this appears to be version 10.x as you have noted.

Appreciate the response. I have been contacted directly. Thanks