Postman fails authenticating when API Key in Vault

I’m doing the 30 Days of Postman challenge, and I’ve been using the Environment Variables to keep the Postman API Key, but today I’ve learned about the Vault and decided to use it.

However Postman fails to read the key from the vault. As soon as I put the key in there and use it in the request, the request fails with 401.

Please provide screenshots of your setup and or a link to the collection.

Have you searched the forum for similar issues?

This has been discussed a few times.

If you are using the web client, a common theme is that accessing the Postman Vault can only be done using the Desktop Agent and the Browser Agent.

I’m using the web client indeed.

Thanks for the clarification. However, unfortunately the Desktop Agent is not working for me

CleanShot 2024-08-18 at 17.06.37

Even though it’s running.

It looks like the Postman Agent doesn’t work with Arc.


You can close this ticket.

Did you download the Postman Agent?

If that’s not working or you require support for a particular browser, all feature requests can be raised here:

Yes, it works in Chrome but not in Arc. It’s weird because Arc and Chrome are using the same engine…

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