This is a dead simple question, and as such, I would like a straight answer, please.
I have no Internet connection. How can I use Postman with my API running locally on my offline machine? Need access to my Workspaces (plural) but seeing as there is no Internet connection, I cannot do anything.
!!! Not looking for the scratchpad !!!
Running v11.30.1
Hey @mission-cosmologis12 
Welcome to the Postman Community! 
In order to use the core functionality like Workspaces, Collection, Environments, Monitors, Mocks, etc. you are required to be online and signed into an account.
To use Postman offline, you can simply sign out. This would limit the functionality to only a basic and lightweight API Client.
Scratchpad in no longer a feature of Postman anymore and hasn’t been for about 18 months.
Hi Danny,
Thanks for your reply.
Yeah, in all honesty the idea behind lightweight client is pretty inconvenient. No access to Collections for example. Import functionality is way too limited as well (has this been done so that you MUST log in?).
I understand that a lot of the features are designed around collaboration. The scenario does exist, however, where people need to work offline on their own “localhost” copies of an API during development, and not all users have 24/7 access to the Internet. Happy to create an account, and sync stuff to it, but not being able to use it offline is a bit of a bummer. Imagine not being able to use VS Code, IntelliJ (or any other IDE) if you were offline.
Unfortunately I had drop down to version 7 in order to work with my Collections whilst offline, well, I can’t log into Postman in any case on version 7 anymore, but at least I can work.
Hoping offline working/syncing becomes a thing