Updates to collapse/expand the test results when running Collection folder

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My question: Is there any Updates to collapse/expand the test results when running Collection folder?

Details (like screenshots):

How I found the problem: When investigating the fail, i find to check the fail in the collection folder. I do manual compare it to our database which is a bit of a drag, but it would be much better if we can collapse/expand the test which exceeds the window length.

I’ve already tried: I do manual compare it to our database which is a bit of a drag, but it would be much better if we can collapse/expand the test which exceeds the window length.

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@eduardopatendidojr Welcome to Community :partying_face:

For now, you can try to hover over the Test case and it displays the full Test Case Name :blush: But it seems like an interesting use case. Not sure if there’s already a plan for implementing this. May be you can create a feature request here.

Thank you for the quick response and for the welcome.
Yes i have done hovering but it cannot display the assertion error so i currently do manual investigation to track the error. I just wondering if there is a future update for this kind of feature.