Unable to run newman collection on docker

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Hi guys, I’m fairly new with docker, however I came across various blogs on how to run local collections on docker, but I still get an error, any help would be appreciate. I have the following that I would like to mount on the newman image

docker run -v /C:/Users/msingathi.majola/collection:/etc/postman -t postman/newman_ubuntu1404 \run “https:/www.getpostman.com/collections/xxxxx” --environment=“Test.postman_environment.json” ----ssl-client-cert matthew.cer --ssl-client-key matthew.key --insecure --testReportFile=“newman-report.xml”

and the error I get is as follows docker: Error response from daemon: invalid mode: /etc/postman.

Welcome @mseerah to community

Remove : from the path. try run again. It should work


@gpub1 thanks for the response, however tried removing from “:/etc/postman” and it still did not work. this is what I posted now
docker run -v /C:/Users/msingathi.majola/collection /etc/postman -t postman/newman_ubuntu1404 \run “https:/www.getpostman.com/collections/xxxxx” --environment=“Test.postman_environment.json” ----ssl-client-cert matthew.cer --ssl-client-key matthew.key --insecure --testReportFile=“newman-report.xml”

and the error is this
error: unknown option ‘–environment=Test.postman_environment.json’

Try this there was single space in path you gave

Unfortunately with this
docker run -v /C:/Users/msingathi.majola/collection/etc/postman -t postman/newman_ubuntu1404 \run “https:/www.getpostman.com/collections/xxxxx” --environment=“Test.postman_environment.json” ----ssl-client-cert matthew.cer --ssl-client-key matthew.key --insecure --testReportFile=“newman-report.xml”
error: unknown option ‘–environment=Test.postman_environment.json’
it still does not work, even without the “/etc/postman”


Hey there,

You need to use -- to separate flags being sent to the process in the container vs flags being sent to the Docker client. Something like this should work:

docker run -v /C:/Users/msingathi.majola/collection:/etc/newman -t postman/newman run "https:/www.getpostman.com/collections/xxxxx" -- --environment="Test.postman_environment.json" --ssl-client-cert matthew.cer --ssl-client-key matthew.key --insecure --testReportFile="newman-report.xml"



hi @kevin.swiber this is very helpful, but once again I’m getting an error as follows
docker: Error response from daemon: invalid mode: /etc/newman.
** See ‘docker run --help’.**
Not really sure what is the issue with this newman folder on the image, cause when I inspect it, I don’t seem to find any issues on it

Also, I just tried to modify my drive according to something I came across from stackoverflow as follows:
docker run -v /c/Users/msingathi.majola/collection:/etc/newman -t postman/newman run "https:/www.getpostman.com/collections/xxx" -- --environment="Test.postman_environment.json" --ssl-client-cert matthew.cer --ssl-client-key matthew.key --insecure --testReportFile="newman-report.xml"
error: collection could not be loaded

  • unable to read data from file “https:/www.getpostman.com/collections/xxx”*
  • ENOENT: no such file or directory, open ‘https:/www.getpostman.com/collections/xxx’*

Hey @mseerah,

You’re missing a slash after the URL scheme, so it’s reading it as a file. You need to change https:/ to https://.



Thanks @kevin.swiber this is awesome, but just a quick one, have you worked with self assigned certificates, my main problem now is that I can’t execute because of the following error error: collection could not be loaded unable to fetch data from url "https://www.getpostman.com/collections/xxx" self signed certificate in certificate chain

Hey @mseerah,

That’s weird. Perhaps it’s a bug in newman. I would brute force the insecure flag by altering a variable that will impact Node.js and see if that helps. You’ll need to add --env NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED='0' to your docker run command like so:

docker run --env NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED='0' -v /c/Users/msingathi.majola/collection:/etc/newman -t postman/newman run “https:/www.getpostman.com/collections/xxx” – --environment=“Test.postman_environment.json” --ssl-client-cert matthew.cer --ssl-client-key matthew.key --insecure --testReportFile=“newman-report.xml”




Good news @kevin.swiber it’s working now, I used this command and it now works, with a lil tweak, I just changed my collection to point to my local one which is in a “.json” format instead of that url hyperlink, but thank you so much for your help :slight_smile: