Unable to replicate web page behaviour in postman

In chrome browser, when I scan the QR code,chrome browser redirect the page and I can see and copy the token from redirected url. I am trying to do the same in postman. I am able to see QR code in postman ‘preview’. But when I scan it, I am not able to see where redirect is happening. Any idea please how to achieve it ?

Hi @shashi.kiran

Welcome to the community :wave:

Could you provide steps as to how you are scanning the QR code from the response here? Also while you are it, check how this behaves with Postman on Web: http://go.postman.co/home

Try enabling “Automatically follow redirects” from settings (if not already) and see if that helps.

Hi Subramanya,

Here are the steps.

  1. I do GET on a web url in the postman. Its output is supposed to be a QR code. I have to go to postman’s preview tab in order to see the QR code.
  2. If I would have scanned the QR code from web page, it would have redirected to another web page and I could copy the value from the new url. But I want to do the same in the postman to integrate in my api flow. In the postman, when I scan the QR code, it won’t redirect. Nor is there any way to read where has it redirected after the QR code scan. I have tried changing redirection apis in postman.

Please let me know if there is a way to achieve it, may be coding way.
